Saturday, January 7, 2012

Local Private Art Schools in Southern California

I thought I'd compile a list of art schools for people. Back in college I'd google different art schools and had a hard time finding them because I was new to the art field. I graduated from UCI so I already had a degree and was not looking for an art degree. What I wanted was art education at a price that I could afford without owing a lot of money in school debt. I still had my UCI school loans to pay off. Hopefully this list of schools will help you out if you are in the same situation that I am in. More bang for your buck right? ;)

Since I've graduated, many schools have opened up. I figured if I compile a list like this it could save a lot of time for people.  Hopefully this list will help people who are looking for art schools to study foundation, painting, drawing, entertainment design, fine arts, etc.

I will update this as I find more....

LA County:
Concept Design Academy: blogspot,school website
Red Engine Studios: blogspotschool website
Korpus School of Art + Gallery: blogspotschool website
3 Kicks Studio: blogspotschool website
The Animation Guild: blogspot , school website
The Animation Academy: blogspotschool website

Orange County:
Kazone Art Academy: blogspotschool website

San Diego County: 
Watts Atelier of the Arts: school website
Studio 2nd Street: blogspotschool website

Marshall Vandruff Seminars

All these schools have amazing things to offer. I hope everyone tries them out! :)

1 comment:

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